Business Owner FAQ



Primo Loop is an amazing digital marketing solution that makes it super easy to directly reach consumers on their mobile. It is similar to email marketing solutions yet profoundly different. In Primo Loop the business owner easily composes a smart message and sends it to a “Loop” which contain members. The business stays “in the loop” with its members by way of Smart Messages.

How is Primo Loop for Business different than other demand generation options?

Primo Loop for Business enables you to easily and quickly create a customized message for customers who have already shown an interest in your business by joining your loop. You can create and launch a smart message within 60 seconds. Our loops are self-managing so you do not have to do any subscribe/unsubscribe maintenance. And we are 100% mobile friendly so anyone can operate it while they are on the go.

How long does it take to set up a profile in Primo Loop for Business?

It takes most users less than three minutes to set up a Primo Loop for Business profile.


How much does Primo Loop cost?

Both our mobile applications Primo Loop App and Primo Loop for Business App are free for download and use. There is no fee for members to use our App and service.
Our Primo Loop for Business service starts at the Free level. We anticipate most businesses to start and stay in the Free tier. Businesses that need added levels of service can use our paid levels of services. The levels we offer are: Free, Standard, Premium and Enterprise Plans.

What pricing plans do you offer?

We offer Free, Standard, Premium and Enterprise Plans.

What comes with the free plan?

Please see here for detailed plan comparison.


What ready-made loops does Primo Loop for Business include?

There are two loops available: General and Nearby.

What are built in loops?

Each business on Primo Loop, at the time of sign up, is automatically created one well-known named loop. This loop is called the “General loop.” We do this a) to ensure easy discovery by Primo Loop members and b) reduce the steps our Business Owners have to do it themselves.

In addition, for Business Owners who set up a “physical location”, we create a loop called the “Nearby loop.”

What is the General loop?

Each business on Primo Loop is automatically created a loop called “General loop.” You can right away start enrolling your consumers to this loop using the QR code or URL link. Members are trained to search for General loop of your business. You can immediately on sign up have the ability to send messages to the General loop.

What is the Nearby loop?

Business Owners who set up a “physical location”, are automatically created a loop called the “Nearby loop.” The Nearby loop automatically publishes your messages to all members who are looking for deals and are located within 5 miles of your business.

Are loops private or public?

Business owner can set them to be either public or private (by invitation only). At the moment we are supporting only public loops which means all members can see those loops and join or leave at anytime.

How do customers sign up to be in my loop?

They Scan the QR code for your business, download the Primo Loop for Business app and join your loop.

Can members leave a loop at any time?

Members choose which loops to join and can leave any time. This way we 100% automate the subscribe and unsubscribe activities freeing our Business Owners to concentrate on your business.

Are all messages accessible to the members of my loop?

All messages are accessible to members, as soon as they are published by the Business Owner.

Can I separate my members into separate segments?

Yes. You accomplish that by creating custom loops, one for each segment.

How it works

Do members receive a notification when I launch a message?

Members can set up their Primo Loop for Business account to receive notifications.

Can I use Primo Loop for Business at a trade show to capture leads?

Yes! Primo Loop for Business is an easy and cost-effective way to procure leads at trade shows.


Does Primo Loop for Business work with Android smartphones?

Primo Loop for Business App is available for iOS and Android. We request Android users to get in touch with us for further details.

What mobile platforms do you support?

We support iOS and Android mobile platforms.

Getting up and running

How many steps are there to get started?

All it takes is 2 steps

1. Members join loops on Business owner encouragement or on their own.

2. You compose and publish smart messages (SM) to your loops.

Getting started is easy. Sign up on this website. We have Free as well as paid plans to suit all needs.

How is this better than email marketing?

Primo Loop is far superior to email marketing for the following reasons among others:

1. There is no email distribution list to manage. Our Loops are self-managing as members decide when to join or leave.

2. Publishing a Smart Message can be done in under 60 seconds.

3. Everything you need to compose and publish is right on your mobile phone. So, you can push out a promotion while you are on the shop floor.

4. It costs much less in time and money.

How is Primo Loop unique?

1. We notify members when messages arrive. We are as effective as sending an SMS text except much richer and a lot less intrusive.

2. We bring to life location-based messaging. Your messages reach members who have tuned in while they are physically near your business.

When will members see my published smart message?

Members see smart messages as soon as they are published and effective.

What if I have one business with multiple departments? Do I have to set up a separate account for each one?

Yes. We recommend a separate login for each department.